I believe
Jesus, Yeshua is the Christ Messiah. Who came from the Father in heaven, died, and rose again three days later. Allowing us once children of wrath to become children of God when we believe Jesus is Lord. I believe one must lay down his life for and to Jesus the Lord. To be baptized once you have asked Jesus for his mercy into your life and heart.
There is a God head that is the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in spiritual gifts that are holy and used to edify the church. I also believe in Satan, who was once a holy angel but went against God and now freely roams the earth looking to kill, steal, and destroy. But his time in authority is limited because God is the ultimate authority and Jesus is coming back for his church, his bride! Jesus will come again and those who have been born again will rise up in the last days to greet the Father in heaven once and for all.
One day there will be for those who are born of Spirit a new heaven and a new earth. Raised with Christ and free of terror and evil. Satan and those who have not been saved by the blood of Christ will remain in total darkness forever. While those who are holy in Spirit will walk out of darkness forever! And ever Amen!
There are scripture verses used throughout the Salt journal and the references used are from mostly the NIV Holy Bible. I believe Jesus is Lord and my Baptist background as a child growing up is the firm foundation I was set upon. As a prodigal daughter come home I am born again by the Holy Spirit and have a home church that is non-denominational. We practice in being the hands and feet of Jesus and I put effort into this healing all, mind, body, soul, and Spirit by way of the Holy Spirit. Who without I could not be whole. Praise be to God in the most high!