Possible Hope #03

How are you with waiting?


Me? Some hours patiently and some not so patient. I almost hate hearing “wait” from God. Because that means I’m still here. When I want to be there. In the promise fulfilled, but instead I am on the other side of a locked gate. I can see through, but I can’t touch it or live in it. Some might call it torturous, but I have felt true torture. This is Hope. Being expectant and sure of what we can’t touch and sometimes see.  


Possible Hope.


I know God will work miracles. I’ve survived the desert…I’m sure of what God can do. I trust his timing. But it doesn’t make the waiting easier. Because who doesn’t want to see the promises of God fulfilled? It’s the most exciting time! To be on the verge of feeding the 5,000, walking on water, raised from the dead, living in abundance. Getting the job offer, healed, a home of your own, financial freedom, a shift into your calling. Walking out of the desert and into the Promise Land.


The Impossible Possible.

What makes something impossible or possible? Our human limitations make it impossible. Where we are weak God is strong. [“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9. ] So, our impossible makes room for possible, with and by God.


So why do people try in their own strength to be possible? To obtain? When we try ourselves, without God we instantly put limits on our outcome. While what we can achieve on our own might be good, it is not in the impossible category. The unattainable is reserved for God and his glory. Only he can make the impossible possible. He is our hope! Which is why he puts his followers in impossible situations, if we will let him.


Obedience leads me into many trials [That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecution, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10. ] For example, the summer of 2021 my spiritual mentor was having a hard time accepting where my obedience to the Lord was leading me. So, I prayed. God, what do I do?


He said, “Kara, if you do not leave room for my glory and majesty what is the point of your faith?”


Okay Lord, you win. I will stick with this trial and trust where you are leading me. He was leading me into over $26,000.00 in rental debt. My home and studio were being threatened with eviction and it was the toughest trial to date. Why? Because the trial was threatening the spirit of abandonment. It felt similar to all the times in my past where I was left homeless. Kicked out physically and emotionally from the people I loved the most. The people I depended on. With an open and vulnerable heart towards the Lord, he was guiding me to a familiar cliff… Where I am weak, he is strong.


Surely God won’t evict me. How could he?!


God evicted me, March 3, 2022. But he also defeated and evicted the spirit of abandonment within me! It wasn’t easy and still at times I struggle with the placement God has put me in. I want it to look different, feel different, be different. I want the promises fulfilled. But wait, he says…


“Wait until I have made this a good and perfect work. Within you and around you. My glory shines to all the world. By your obedience to follow my words you shall seek reward. In full. Wait until you have nothing left but hope in me. And even that a smidge compared to when we started this journey.” -Jesus




There is another place I am waiting for. A new Heaven and a new earth. An eternal promise from the Lord. And when the trials of this earth become too much to bear, it pulls on the strings of my desire to be without pain or evil. Without sickness or division. To be in perfect relationship with the Lord. No obstruction. No bills, no worries, no clothes or shoes, no need to take a deep breath and brace for the next hit or look over your shoulder in fear. A perfect ending to this tragic story. A flawless ending made attainable by Jesus. Our perfect and Possible Hope.


Expectant is possible because Jesus is in control. Let him decrease your ability and give your leadership a back seat. Depend on God alone. Scary? Of course…kind of. It tugs on scary but that is just the enemy trying to get you to quit. So, there must be glory in yes! Let God hold the keys to your resources and open doors. It is the best possible place to be!


And I can say that in confidence while I wait for God to restore what he took. Why did I let God take my finances, my home, my studio, my car, my control, my community, my resources? Because I TRUST him. And I LOVE him. I want to give God the opportunity to show his glory! A miracle that will in return give others a glimpse into the power of God. Show he is real and alive! Able and willing to come into your life, scoop you into his arms and provide all you need. Provide your healing, restore you, redeem you, love you, and care for you. More than you can think or imagine. That is our God! That is Yahweh!


My hope rests in him. Therefore, it is possible!



You can have my flesh.

You can have my wants.

You can have my security.

You can have my fear.

Hold my tears.

Hold my hands.

Hold my heart.

I love you.

I trust you.

I give you all of me.

I wait.

With readiness to receive.


For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37


The God Who Loves You #04


Falls Down & Cast Nets #02